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Reimagining recovery narratives following adversity
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), such as experiencing or witnessing physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, living with poverty and discrimination, are estimated to impact 1 in 6 adults in the UK and US (CDC, 2019, WHO, 2022). These experiences can have lifelong, intergenerational and devastating impacts. ACEs are connected to 1/2 of the top ten causes of death, with many other illnesses also connected. The significant impact of ACEs reaches beyond the individual directly affected, causing further strain on health, social and economic systems. Finding ways to prevent and respond to the damaging impact, this project seeks alternative models in understanding and practising recovery.
Back in 2012, Victoria Christodoulides had a research idea which would develop into her PhD project.
After years of experiencing what was offered in traditional pathways of recovery following her own childhood trauma, Victoria had a niggling itch that needed scratching. Both she and other survivors shared this frustration and the damaging impact of the limited ways recovery following trauma is understood and practised.
Victoria's PhD project - Project Becomings, set to explore how recovery could be understood and practised beyond (not disregarding) traditional narratives. The incredible participants (a group of ten adult survivors) gave time, effort and thought during a series of focus groups, workshops and independent tasks to develop outstanding and evocative pieces for an exhibition.
The importance of bringing the artwork to the public domain is in recognition that recovery is not down to an individual's sole ability to 'get well'. But with a collective awareness of how our recovery is entangled with numerous and complex influences. The project explores human and non-human matter (e.g., people, spaces, places, objects, narratives), drawing unique and evocative thought to an under-recognised area.
We hope to raise awareness of this under-recognised area impacting individuals globally. We call GPs, practitioners, educators, civil service, policymakers, researchers and the wider public to visit the exhibition. Learn about the novel research methods used and research findings generated; engage with the data; participate using creative practices and help action change.